Campgrounds As Low As $10.00 A Day...Across The USA...Everyday! New Membership_______$44.00 Renewal_______$44.00 Name(s) To Appear On Member Card_____________________________________________________________________________________ Street/PO Address______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, and Zip__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cuntry___________________________________Phone___________________________Fax_________________________________________ Date To Begin Membership___________________________E Mail:_____________________________________________________________ Comments: Ship Membership Cards to Another Address, E Mail Member Cards so that I can use membership immediately, Coments, etc ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Join Recreation USA And Also Receive A Free Membership to our , secondary system of savings! Click Here...All Campgrounds For
Print your application and mail, with your check or money order (in US Funds).We are currently on the road traveling.
Have A Great Journey!!! Your membership cards will be sent to you within 2 days upon receipt of this application and payment. Recreation USA Inc. has organized, and administers to, a system of RV Resorts, RV Parks, and Campgrounds, which are available to Recreation USA members from $10.00 up to a 50% discount per night on a space available basis. If a campground has an add'l charge to their standard rate for 50 amp electric, cable TV, wireless internet, waterfront sites, etc you will also be liable for that charge if applicable to you. Click
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