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Lakeside Recreational Park
1288 E Lapsley Road
Assaria, KS  67416
785-667-5795                                                                 OPEN: All Year

Web Site: Lakeside Recreational Park
E Mail:

Central Kansas     Saline County

3 1/4 miles off I-135 Interstate, at Exit 78
10 miles South of Salina

PULL THRUS:  10 at 60 Ft                                       BACK-INS:  15 at 50 Ft
SLIDE OUTS: Yes, Both Sides  ELECTRIC: 20, 30, (4) 50 Amp

DESCRIPTION: Lakeside Recreational Park is a quiet, shaded park, on 60 acres...located 10 miles South of Salina. Area attractions include the Rolling Hills Zoo, Smoky Hill Bison Company buffalo farm, and the historic town of Lindsburg, know as “little Sweden”. Golf, restaurants, Central Mall, shopping, and movie theatres are in Salina.

AMENITIES: 12 Acre Lake with Sandy Beach and Waterslide, Paddle Boats, River, Swimming Pool, Clubhouse with Full Kitchen, Restrooms and Showers, Laundry, Ice, Community Firepit, Gravel and Grass...Shady, Level Sites, Picnic Tables and Bar-B-Qs at Sites, Lakeside Paintball, Playground, Basketball, Tenting, Pets Welcome.

DIRECTIONS: From I-135, Exit #78 and go North 2 miles on old Hwy 81 to Lapsley Road, then East 1 1/4 miles.

RENTAL UNITS: None                                        MONTHLY/LONG TERM SITES: Yes

Recreation USA Members pay $15.00 a night.

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