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Site: Twin Oaks
RV Park & Campground DESCRIPTION: Twin Oaks RV Park & Campground is located 2 hours South of Atlanta, and 2 hours North of the Florida state line... 2/10 mile off I-75, just South of Perry. Area attractions include the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter, Warner Robins Air Force Museum, Andersonville Civil War historical site, and the Jimmy Carter historical site. AMENITIES: Fenced in Park with Security Gate, Swimming Pool, Gazebo with Hot Tub, Mini Store, Ice, Restrooms and Showers, Laundry, Climate Controlled Clubhouse with Kitchen, Community Building with TV Room, E Mail & Coffee Room, Overnite Phone Service, Public Phone, LP Gas, Designated Campfires, Gravel Sites with Concrete Patios, Picnic Tables at Sites, Horseshoes, Volleyball, Basketball, Hole-e-Board, Tenting, Pets Welcome. DIRECTIONS: From I-75, Exit #127 (old Exit #41), and go East 2/10 mile. Entrance is on the left.
Recreation USA Members will pay $10.00 a night plus an additional $8.00 per night and have an unlimited length of stay. |